
Wednesday, August 15, 2018

12 Effective Tips to deal with Public Speaking Fear

To all your surprise, Public Speaking Phobia is rated as the greatest phobia.(And yes people fear it more than they fear death).It effects our daily performance at work and even personal lives.So, here are few tips to combat your phobia.
Firstly, Use Positive Visualization. Whether or not you consider yourself a master of Public Speaking, know that plenty of studies have proven the effectiveness of POSITIVE VISUALIZATION. When we imagine a positive outcome to a scenario in our mind, it’s more likely to play out the way we envision.Instead of thinking “I’m going to be terrible out there” , imagine yourself getting applauds for your terrific performance on mike and stage.Positive thoughts can be incredibly effective–try them at least once.
Secondly, practice confident body language.Practicing confident body language is another way to boost your pre-presentation jitters. When your body is physically demonstrating confidence, your mind will follow suit.In relation to confidence, it's often said , "Fake it ,till you make it."(Even if you are having Butterflies in your stomach)
Thirdly, always remain hydrated to combat anxiety.It is quite natural to face anxiety and fear initially.But here, don't fight them.Acceptance is the key.Transform your nervousness into positive enthusiasm of trying to do something new or something you have been doing for a long period of time with butterflies in your stomach in a new way.

Fourthly, practice a lot.Yes a lot of rehearsing is required to build up confidence.You can rehearse it in reality after going through a number of sessions in your visualization.Visualization is most effective before sleeping and just after waking up.

Fifthly, attend a lot of public speaking events as audience.It makes you comfortable when you are on stage by bringing familiarity to the task.You can also see online seminars and presentations available.
Then, always arrive early on the day of your presentation on the venue and try to adjust yourself to the environment there.
Seventhly, focus on the speech or content of your presentation, not definitely not on the audience.Majority people make the mistake of focusing on the audience out of their fear.People are more interested in your content and if your focus is right, your presentation will be far better.
Eighthly, there might be some blackouts out of nervousness initially, calm down.Here pausing a bit is the key.So, don't make your speech your presentation too fast.
Then,Practice some deep breathing before your presentation.It will calm you down.
And finally,get more organized with your content.Take more help of visual presentations.It makes your speech or presentation more appealing and also shifts your focus from audience to your contents.
Eleventhly, don't forget to record your presentations or seminars for further improvements.
Take your fear lightly.We all have one or the other kind of a problem.Always remember, your problem or fear is not bigger than you.GOOD LUCK!!!
Remain in touch!!! Will come up with more tips to remove your Public Speaking Fear.
Preeti Ki Paathshala

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